FarPlay 1.3.1 out now!

Thanks to your feedback, FarPlay 1.3.1, out now, introduces accessibility and usability improvements including audible entrance/departure notifications, the option to show/hide messages from previous chats, and more. FarPlay now automatically reconnects after interruptions to network connectivity. We also fixed a bug that prevented FarPlay from saving changes to the number of channels you send. Upgrade for free here.

One more thing: this release also adds support for our upcoming FarPlay Meet platform, which will allow you to connect with the wider community of FarPlay users. For now, we will be granting access to Meet on an invitation-only basis, but we’re very excited to bring this to the community at large soon. Stay tuned!

Hide messages from previous chats

Since its introduction with FarPlay 1.1, the Chat window has displayed messages from the current session and previous sessions — great for reviewing rehearsal notes. With version 1.3.1, you can now hide messages from previous sessions. Simply uncheck “Show messages from previous sessions” in the Chat window. Learn more about chat in our Tips and Tricks.

Audible notifications for entrances and departures

Starting with version 1.3.1, FarPlay can play audible notifications when someone joins or leaves a session. To turn audible notifications on/off and adjust their volume, go to the Advanced tab in the Preferences window. For details, visit our accessibility page.

Mute yourself using the keyboard

Muting and unmuting yourself is even easier. You can still click the mute button, but now, you can also press Option-Command-M on Macs or Control+Alt+M in Windows. For a list of FarPlay’s keyboard shortcuts, go to our accessibility page.

Active-video badge

Find yourself reminding participants to start video? You’ll love this feature. When a participant is in the video chat, a badge now appears to call attention to the Video button for participants who haven’t started video. Learn more about using video here.

Better handling of network interruptions

This release improves handling of interruptions to your internet connection. When you get disconnected from a session, FarPlay now automatically reconnects to the session. On rare occasion, previous versions of FarPlay would get stuck connecting to a session after switching networks (for example, from Wi-Fi to Ethernet). This is now fixed too.

Get in touch

We’ve been loving featuring our amazing users. If you’d like to be included — whether you use FarPlay for lessons, rehearsals, jam sessions, or conversations — we’d love to talk to you. You can let us know by emailing us at contact@farplay.io.

Need help right away? Check out our FAQ & Troubleshooting Guide, which you can open from the Help menu in the latest version of FarPlay.

If you’d like to ask tech-support questions, our forum is the fastest way to reach us. If you need to reach us privately, email us at support@farplay.io — we’re happy to help!

You can also get support at our monthly support sessions. Our next monthly support session is Saturday, March 22nd 2:00pm-3:30pm New York time (7:00pm-8:30pm Central European time). Sign up here. Monthly tech-support sessions are available free to paid subscribers.

We hope you enjoy FarPlay 1.3.1!

—David Liao & the FarPlay team

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